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Learn more about the Outward Bound Trust

Learn more about the Outward Bound Trust

26th Apr 2021

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that takes young people on powerful adventures in the wild. They help develop the attitudes, skills and behaviours young people need to reach their full potential.

Over the past year, young people have had an incredibly tough-time. They have been cooped up inside, unable to see their friends, and many have had little or no access to green spaces. They’ve grappled with home-schooling and become totally reliant on their devices for social interaction. Some have had to manage very challenging circumstances at home, without the escape and structure of school for support.

The Outward Bound Trust want to help young people believe positively manage times of stress and anxiety. They want to get young people outside, exploring, reconnecting with nature and each other. They want to help reignite young people’s aspirations for the future, and their belief in their own abilities. They can’t do this without support.

This is why Little Trekkers will donate 100% off profits from our Challenge Packs towards The Outward Bound Trusts vital courses, supporting young people to explore and grow through the power of outdoor adventure."



We hope that together we can walk the length of the British Coastline, that's 11,072 miles, for this National Walking Month (1st-31st May) and raise money for a great charity.

To join this challenge, simply purchase a Challenge Pack for each child taking part (you can choose to donate however much you wish, with the minimum being £5)