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Spotty Otter

Spotty Otter Adventure III Waterproof Jacket

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  • The Best Outdoor Brands

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High on Function, High on Fun is the brand mantra for Spotty Otter. The Rolls Royce of kids' outdoor kit! The Ferrari of family fun! It performs. It's made to last. It's premium outdoor kit for the serious little adventurer. It's Spotty Otter's Adventure Range.

Drip, drip, drop, little April shower?... and May, August, November! All year round use for the all new Adventure II Waterproof Jacket and they'll still look good for school.

9-10 Years:
9-10 Years
7-8 Years:
7-8 Years
5-6 Years:
5-6 Years
3-4 Years:
3-4 Years
13+ Years:
13-14 Years
1-2 Years:
1-2 Years
2-3 Years:
1-2 Years
11-12 Years:
11-12 Years
6-12 Months:
0-12 Months
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