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Top Tips for getting the kids involved in Litter & Beach Cleans

Top Tips for getting the kids involved in Litter & Beach Cleans

Posted by Little Trekkers on 4th Jul 2023

Can you help keep our world clean and litter free?

We can show our children how important it is to look after the world they live in and the difference that they can make to their local community.

Share your Big Clean with us on Social media using #littletrekkersbigclean and we’ll send each child a free ‘Little Trekkers Big Clean’ Iron on Patch for taking part!

We thought we’d share a few easy tips for taking part in our Big Clean, and litter picking in general with kids.

Make it a game

Kids enjoy everything a little bit more when it’s a game. Whether it’s giving them a challenge, can they find 10 pieces of litter to pick up, how many pieces of sea glass can they find, who will be the first person to find 3 drinks cans, or seeing who can fill their bag the most. Scavenger hunts are also a lot of fun and give them more to think about, we’ve come up with a special printable Litter Hunt just for the Big Clean, download our Big Clean Litter Hunt and see how many things they can tick off!



Explain to them why it’s so important we pick up any litter we see, and the impact that littering can have on the planet. It’s so important we raise our children to consider the effect we have on the planet, and what we can do to reduce that impact. Taking them out to pick up litter, or simply picking it up whenever we see it on the street instead of walking by, and talking about why littering is so damaging, shows them a responsibility not only to our communities but the planet too.

Reduce your plastic use

By the year 2050, there could be more litter in the sea, by weight, than fish. Reducing the amount of rubbish going to dumps in the first place will have a knock-on effect on the amount of rubbish that finds its way back into the ocean. Head over to our previous blog post about ways we can reduce our impact on the planet and our plastic use.

Spread the word & lead by example

Together we can achieve so much more, be the example and tell your friends and family about the Little Trekkers Big Clean and get them involved too. Make a day of it, or end a fun day at the beach with a quick beach clean. The more people we can get involved, the bigger difference we’ll make.

Make it a habit

Why not make it a weekly or monthly activity, we always encourage you to keep sharing your cleans with us using #littletrekkersbigclean throughout the year.