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Back to School To Do List

Back to School To Do List

Posted by Our Ambassadors @stephloveshoney have put together 'A back to school to do list' with ten top tips to help you feel prepared for the new school term! on 4th Sep 2022

Our Ambassadors @stephloveshoney have put together 'A back to school to do list' with ten top tips to help you feel prepared for the new school term!

1- Try on school uniform, there’s no need to buy everything new if there are still items that fit from last year!

2- Last minute uniform top ups. All the major supermarkets have uniform items in stock at the moment. Little Trekkers also have a range of school shoes and offer speedy delivery.

3- Locate or buy new water bottles. We will be using the Klean Kanteen Classic bottles, with a huge 800ml capacity.

4.- Locate or buy new backpacks. Again, there’s no need to buy new if you’ve already invested in a good quality, sturdy option with plenty of life left in it. If you are looking for a new bag, we recommend the deuter Junior Rucksack.

5- Pack your child’s PE kit, wellies and Forest School kit if they are required to have these in school. Make sure everything still fits and is in good condition. Little Trekkers have a super range of wellies and waterproofs on their website.

6- Make sure your child’s lunch bag is clean and in good condition or make sure you have paid for your child’s school dinners.

7- If your child takes a pencil case to school, make sure it’s topped up, all the items work and all the pencils are sharpened.

8- Pre prepare break time snacks for the week, if needed. I tend to prepare snacks to take on the school run each afternoon too, as my two come out of school absolutely ravenous!

9- LABEL EVERYTHING! We use stampers as they make the job so quick and I also have some iron on labels to iron over my daughter’s name when she outgrows uniform items and hands them down to her little brother.

10- Brace for after school tiredness and be prepared to give extra hugs, kisses and reassurance as your children settle into/back into school life.

Have a great term everyone!